Electric Vehicle (EV)
Charging Station Solutions
The rapid growth of the EV market has led to a wide variety of connection and charging strategies, charger designs, and charging networks.
The complex process of determining the most effective design and development for EV charging stations can appear so daunting and overwhelming that many companies avoid the technology altogether rather than make costly mistakes.
This is where Bay Engineers can help! For years we have been working to provide large-scale planning, development, management, and maintenance of Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure to support fleet electric delivery vans, electric yard hostlers, electric box trucks, and electric day cabs. Bay Engineers has successfully implemented sequential charging systems to help manage power for large lot deployments, managed dedicated utility-medium voltage parking lot EV power loops, and performed utility large-scale EV power use case coordination studies.
Contact Bay Engineers today to discuss your next EV charging project.
Bay Engineers is a multi-faceted engineering and project management firm. We serve industrial, institutional, governmental, and commercial clients. We specialize in projects that require complete understanding of the microelectronics, bio-pharmaceutical, and specialty materials sectors.
We strive to meet and exceed our client’s expectations. We take pride, in our expertise and quality.
“We turn to Bay Engineers for our most demanding jobs because we know that the thoroughness of their designs, their ability to meet short deadlines, and their creativity in solving problems that arise in construction are at the highest level…”